Sfincione of St. Joseph is a typical Sicilian dessert you do for Father's Day. Resembles the Neapolitan donuts (zeppole) being a kind of fried puffs, it changes the shape and therefore the consistency and stuffing it in sfinciune is made with ricotta while in zeppole are made with cream. Sfince means it derives from the spongy. The sfince of St. Joseph is often called sfinciune to avoid confusion with the sfinci that are prepared at Christmas which are made of a different type of pasta and are generally smaller and have little to do with the sfinciune.

Difficulty: Medium

Servings: 15

Category: Dessert

Prep. Time: 40 min.

Cooking time:

Per Serving: cal. (kcal) : 182


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- 150 grams of flour
- 150 grams of water
- 3 eggs
- 40 grams butter
- 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel
- 1 pinch of salt
- 400 grams of cottage cheese
- 150 grams of sugar
- Grated rind of half a lemon (less)
- 60 grams chopped dark chocolate
- 40 grams of chopped pistachios
- Powdered sugar
- Peanut oil


Prepare the dough: In a saucepan, pour water, add butter and place on the stove and a pinch of salt, when it begins to make bubbles (do not boil), add in one fell swoop the flour stirring constantly with a wooden spoon to wood.
Always working it, cook the pasta until it comes away from the pan in a single block to the ladle. Transfer it into another container and let it cool.
Add the sugar and the lemon peel and begin to work it, you can use the hook to electric whips. At this point stir in one egg at a time, by adding the following only when the previous one is completely blended.
Strain and pour the ricotta in a bowl; add the sugar and the lemon zest, mix well and add the chocolate.
Fill a high casserole 12-13 cm of oil that you will be heated and will wear at a temperature of about 120 ° (the oil should not be boiling), must gently frying allowing you to turn them often because they can swell uniformly.
When the oil has reached the ideal temperature dip a spoonful of dough (the spoon should be oiled every time you take the dough. The amount to up to you but remember that bigger is sfince longer have to cook) and let fry turning them often. Try to keep the temperature constant.
Ideally, before frying them in oil at 120 ° and when they are completely swollen pass the oil to 170 °. However, you can fry them in a unique oil, increasing the heat towards the end, as long as you remember to bring the temperature to 120 ° before placing another sfince. Let them color and then drain them by placing them on absorbent paper.
All fried, garnish with a dollop of cottage cheese, sprinkle with pistachios and powdered sugar.

Posted on 2016-02-28 14:29:15 by

Category: Cooking - Recipe - Dolce